street style for Couples : She wears, He wears

on 00.01

h hey there! I've been meaning to get round to doing a 'He Wears, She Wears' post forEVER because, like I point out every time, they're my absolute favourite kind of post to shoot. Mainly because I feel like much less of a lemon when I've got someone to stand next to. So, back to the story, when Forever21 got in touch and asked if me and Rob would like to put together a look from their new Holiday collection it couldn't have been better timing.

 We were both tempted to go for a cosy look since our natural habitat tends to be under the duvet with a mug of hot chocolate in hand, but in the end decided to swerve towards party looks because, after all, 'tis the season to be jolly and partylicious (I think that's how the saying goes anyway). Rob went for his usual Cool-Boy-Mod outfit - if he could stop making me look so uncool by comparison that'd be fab - and I went for a stereotypical but shamazing sequin party dress. I paired it with some some suede ankle boots rather than heels for a change and then finished it off with the absolute bag of my dreams. A Chanel boy bag's been top of my wishlist for I don't know how long (how freakin' nice do I need to be, Santa?) so I was over the moon when I found this little inspired-by number for only £17. That's right, £17. Oh, what lark! This particular version's now sold out as far as I can see but, before you panic, there's a really similar Chanel-esque one in black now on there too.

 I hope you guys liked this post as I know a lot of you have commented and said you'd like to see another 'He Wears, She Wears' feature! It won't be so long until the next one

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