How about no reasons?

on 00.07

I was driving a friend’s car to get here.
Mine is still in the garage after the last time my brother used it in a road trip with his bunch of friends. It was amazing I still remembered that little winding road, you know, and all the junctions and the turnpikes, too. I thought the park would still look the same way the last time we went there, the same way the last summer evening we spent sitting on the bench waiting for the night to fall. It did. Nothing really changed. That old tyre was still hanging on the oak, swinging as quietly as the last time I saw it. The bench was empty just the way we last left it. The birds were flying south.
It was only the trees that changed.
I was stunned to find the bright red, and orange, covering every corner of the road. Some of them were scattered on the bench, on the road-signs, at the rooster statue that leads to the way to your house. I guess this was what you meant. The autumn, in the stories you have always told me.
I miss all those stories now.
I thought I’d get lost.
I spent all the minutes in the car trying to remember every little signs that could help me stay on the right way. I went past a yellow board I wasn’t sure what was written on it—either “don’t” or “death”—then I pulled over and got out just to find it out. It says “deers”. And then I remembered everything you said about those bunches of creatures that would likely come crossing the road from every possible direction. About one you once found dead one morning on this very same place, gotten hit by a car the night before.
And then I remembered everything you said.
All the town legends you heard from your father when you were a kid. I remembered the way you recited the farm songs you used to hear in the kindergarten. I remembered everything you said about Mrs. Dominski, who lived next door, and all her seven husbands. I remembered your laughters. Your every little smirk, and all your sarcasms about what we heard on the radio.
And the way you smile.
And the way you kissed me in the middle of my speech.
I guess, in the end, that was what’s been keeping me on the right track along this road—that finally takes me to your door.
I have been pulling my head apart, trying to find the best things I should say to you the moment you find me there. Maybe it’s those craps we heard on the radio. Maybe it’s my apology, that I should have said long before I knew you really decided to stop calling. Maybe it’s my hope that you don’t move on so quickly, because…, because maybe there are too many other pretty girls that it should take you some time to pick one.
Because I don’t think you would want to pick a combo.
That is just so not you.
Or maybe it is just my time to finally drive back to where we were, because I have tried every other possibilities to deal with the days I didn’t see you anymore. I have figured out several scenarios like, moving away, or changing jobs, or having a haircut, or swallowing swords, or poking my eyeballs, but those just seem impossible. There are other scenarios that look impossible to me like…, like the earth stops rotating, and revolving, because it gets tired or it has been kicked away too far from the sun, that the sun loses its gravity, and then asteroids and meteors chrases and I don’t even know what I’m talking about here because I just really, really… miss you.
So how about no reasons. For I have missed you through all these seasons.
And I’m already at your door now.
Will you please open up?
I’ve missed you.                  

street style for Couples : She wears, He wears

on 00.01

h hey there! I've been meaning to get round to doing a 'He Wears, She Wears' post forEVER because, like I point out every time, they're my absolute favourite kind of post to shoot. Mainly because I feel like much less of a lemon when I've got someone to stand next to. So, back to the story, when Forever21 got in touch and asked if me and Rob would like to put together a look from their new Holiday collection it couldn't have been better timing.

 We were both tempted to go for a cosy look since our natural habitat tends to be under the duvet with a mug of hot chocolate in hand, but in the end decided to swerve towards party looks because, after all, 'tis the season to be jolly and partylicious (I think that's how the saying goes anyway). Rob went for his usual Cool-Boy-Mod outfit - if he could stop making me look so uncool by comparison that'd be fab - and I went for a stereotypical but shamazing sequin party dress. I paired it with some some suede ankle boots rather than heels for a change and then finished it off with the absolute bag of my dreams. A Chanel boy bag's been top of my wishlist for I don't know how long (how freakin' nice do I need to be, Santa?) so I was over the moon when I found this little inspired-by number for only £17. That's right, £17. Oh, what lark! This particular version's now sold out as far as I can see but, before you panic, there's a really similar Chanel-esque one in black now on there too.

 I hope you guys liked this post as I know a lot of you have commented and said you'd like to see another 'He Wears, She Wears' feature! It won't be so long until the next one

Times After Times

on 23.50

Terasanya, telah panjang jejak waktu sejak hari itu.

Terasanya, telah panjang jejak waktu sejak hari itu.
          Jelas sudah ratusan kali aku mendengarkan Valse in A flat Major no 16 opus Posth dan ratusan Études karya Liszt atau Chopin. Dan pagi ini sudah kesekian kali aku terbangun sendiri.   Namun kali ini rasanya berbeda. Kepada diam di tepian jendela, di sunyi kisi-kisinya dan dan matahari yang sendu, yang begitu sendiri.
Dering ponsel telah membangunkanku kali ini. Namun itu bukan darimu.
Karena kini kau sudah tebang bagaikan burung gereja yang meninggalkan tempat bernaungnya yang sepi dan angkuh. Katedral yang kuno dan dingin, seperti itulah aku –mungkin. Tak cukup hangat, buatmu.
Diseberang, nyonya Kwon sudah menguliahiku tentang pekerjaan yang harus kulakukan hari ini. “Dan juga, Minah-ssi, ah-ya saya lupa, Seungjae sepertinya sedang sakit hari ini. Di persidangan yang akan Ia hadapi sekarang daripada harus tertunda, jadi kuharap kau mau menggantikannya. Kau kan kekasihnya?
Apa katanya? Kekasih?
“Jadi kupikir ada baiknya kau segera bangun hari ini. Maafkan aku, aku sangat tidak sopan..”
“Baiklah..” ujarku lemah.
Tuhan sesungguhnya bersama orang-orang yang Move-On.
Karena hanya Ia-lah (dan jutaan orang patah hati di bumi ini) yang mengerti beratnya menjalani  hari-hari pasca putus. Dan disinilah aku sekarang. Dibalik kemudi Pontiac Solstice-ku, terjebak di lampu merah; memandangi orang yang berlalu lalang diatas zebra cross. Di hari-hari sebelumnya akan selalu ada kau. Akan ada Seungjae.
Tapi tidak segila itu, aku tidak akan membiarkan dia selalu menguntitku. Maksudnya, aku akan selalu mencium cologne atau fenomonnya yang seksi setiap harinyac. Di mantel-nya atau saat  Ia memelukku. Aku membuka box kecil dibawah radio, dan menemukan permen mint-mu ada disana. Ada dua butir.
Hari ini adalah hari penuh perjuangan. Bahkan saat aku mengetahui Seungjae tidak akan pergi ke kantor hari ini. Apalagi, jika nantinya Ia akan pergi ke kantor? Membayangkannya saja sudah membuat kepalaku pening.
Lampu berganti hijau. Aku menarik pedal gasku. Melajukan Solstice-ku ke tengah jalanan kota Seoul. Sudahlah, kau jangan lembek!


Kantor pengacara “Mila Kwon & Co” merupakan kantor bagi pengacara – pengacara terbaik seantero Korea. Bukan hal asing jika saja aku menemukan Joel Segal atau Ana Quincoces disini. Karena pengacara terkenal seperti Cherie Blaire saja pernah dibantu oleh Seungjae dalam menangani kasusnya.
                Kenapa harus dia lagi?
                Aku mengutuk diriku jika saja aku terus mengingat semua hal yang berbau tentang dia.
                “Annyeong Haseyo, Minah-yaa!ini berkas dari kasus yang harus kau hadapi. Kasus pidana, masalah pelelangan yang dilakukan bank.” Taeyeon Kim selaku sekertaris menghampiriku, lalu dilanjutkan menyodori aku sebuah map tebal.
                “Yap. Aku harap, Ibu Mila sudah member tahumu kasus Yo-..”
                “Aku sudah dengar.” CUKUP. JANGAN NAMANYA LAGI.
                “Baiklah…” Lalu sekertaris Kim meninggalkanku. Duduk manis di mejanya. Hening mengisi bilikku, dan sekitarnya. Aku mulai membuka map itu dan akan mempelajari isinya jika saja..
                “Hai Sayang?...Astaga? apa kau sakit?”
“Iya, aku merindukanmu juga.. nanti kujemput ya, kita makan di…”
Aku melongok kea rah depan bilik, melihat sosok Choi Young-Jae dengan manisnya senyum senyum sambul berbicara dengan sosok ‘sayang’ disebelah sana.
Biasanya aka nada aku dan Seungjae yang lebih manis daripada itu, kan?
Aku memijit pelipisku pelan. Sabar..sabar..
“Jadi nanti jam berapa kau akan ke flat milik Seungjae? Membelikannya bubuk cokelat dan menyeduhnya disana. Dia pasti akan segera sembuh!” Kim Jongdae kini sudah ada didepan meja bilikku, memberikan secangkir moka hangat yang akan selalu menjadi kesukaanku.
Dan Seungjae. Nggak kok! Seungjae lebih suka cokelat hangat.
Tetap tenang, ini pasti akan terjadi. Untuk bias moving on, hal pertama yang orang harus lakukan setelah putus cinta dan menghadapi berbagai musibah adalah…..move on. Itu dimulai dengan lapang dada. Apa adanya, jangan menyangkal –– demikian para kata motivator yang kebanyakan adalah seorang jomblo.
“Jong-chan, we’re…” aku menarik nafas berat, “we’re done.”
Selanjutnya, buru-buru Sehun meletakkan cangkir berisi latte-nya ke mejaku.
Tapi hanya sejenak. “Done? With Seungjae?”
“No, with Johnny Deep. Memangnya siapa lagi yang kemarin jadi pacarku?”
“Tapi, Minah, this is Seungjae we’re talking about? Yook Seungjae, you na mean?”
“Terus kita memangnya lagi ngomongin siapa? Lionel Messi?”
Jongdae meneguk Latte-nya. Hanya sebentar. “I meant, Seungjae, Min. He’s like…he’s like crazy about you!”
“Jongdae-Hyung, bapak Daniel Cho mengatakan, kau harus segera cek email kantor.” Begitu kata Choui Young-jae. Aku melongok ke arahnya sebentar lalu kembali mengamati paparan kasis pidana dihadapanku.
Namun, bermoduskan cangkir Latte-nya, aku mendengar Jongdae berbisik pelan, “Memang penyebabnya apa sih, Min?”
Aku sedang ingin melanjutkan hidup, Ya Tuhan..
“Siapa yang memutuskan hubungan duluan?”
Aku ingin membuka mulut, namun teleponku berbunyi. Suara nyonya Kwon terdengar diujung sana.

Telepon dari nona Kwon tadi membuatku tergesa-gesa umtuk menemuinya di ruangannya. Sekalipun aku hari ini hanya menggunakan canvas pink shoes keluaran Channel dan dress paling ringan yang pernah dikeluarkan oleh The Executive.  Namun rasanya badanku ingin tumbang dan tidak seimbang. Seperti perpaduan menggunakan Pigalle Spikes-nya Loubs dan mermaid skirt dress keluaran D&G.
Entah bagaimana awalnya, tiba tiba aku sudah tergelincir dan jatuh menuruni tangga. Sampai ke lantai bawah, dan menabrak manager Daniel Cho, beserta cangkir kopinya. Dan berakhir dengan siraman kopi hitam pekat ke kulit bahuku. Rasanya ingin melepuh saking panasnya. Dan harus kuakui itu, semarah apapun, Daniel Cho adalah bos ku, dan tidak seenak itu aku bisa memarahinya.
Setelah meminta maaf kepada Manager Daniel Cho yang masih terpaku antara sadar dan tidak, lalu berlari menaiki tangga. Sesampainya di ruangan Nyonya Kwon, aku menghentikan langkahku. Dengan kesal aku melompat kea rah ruangan setelah mendorong pintu kuat kuat.
…dan, kali ini, mendapati Nyonya Kwon meringis-ringis, terkapar di lantai.
Somebody please kill me now.
Jadi ceritanya, Nyonya Kwon tertarik dengan suara rebut rebut yang terjadi di lantai bawah dan suara jeritan suara perempuan. Namun ketika ia akan membuka pintu, aku juga sudah ada di balik pintu sisi berbeda dan mendorong pintu kuat kuat. Membuat perempuan itu limbung.
Ini kesalahanku sih, aku tidak mengetuk pintunya.
Aku diijinkan pergi ke pengadilan saat itu juga, karena memang aku harus menguasai klien yang akan aku bela nantinya.dan begitulah. Aku masih merenungi kesialanku dari pagi saat aku berkendara ke kantor pengadilan. Solsticeku yang malang menabrak sebuah mobil box dan mengharuskan aku meneruskan perjalananku menggunakan kereta karena mobilku diderek.
Sialnya lagi, salju turun dan aku tidak membawa mantel.
Hari ini kenapa?
Setidaknya aku sedikit puas karena siding yang kuhadapi hari ini masih bias aku handle. Bukan kasus yang susah, malah tergolong kasus yang cukup biasa aku tangani. Aku keluar kantor pengadilan ketika aku selesai menyalami semua klienku. Dan berusaha menahan dingin ditengah salju turun dengan angin muson yang sangat dingin. Namun diluar sudah ada seseorang yang menungguku. Kim Jongdae. Dengan menggunakan kaus putih dan celana hitam, dipadu dengan jaket kulit non-formal. Beda sekali dengan penampilannya di kantor tadi.
Aku menghampirinya. Dan masuk ke mobilnya.
“Yo, Kid! Tadi aku dapat telfon dari polisi jika mobilmu diderek. Aku belum bias mengambil mobilmu, tapi besok mungkin kau bias mengambilnya.”
Good news!
“aku bias mengantarmu sampai rumah Seungjae. Aku terlalu malas untuk putar balik kearah rumahmu..”
“Sekalian ini, mantel Seungjae ada di mobilku. Aku rasa sih ketinggalan.. nanti sekalian kembalikan ya?”
Semesta, hari ini kenapa?
Hari ini berakhir setelah beberapa kesialanku. Mulai dari kasus dadakan, hingga aku harus beku kedinginan menyusuri jalan setapak menuju Flat milik Seungjae.
Flatnya berwarna merah bata, dengan tangga berisikan lima anak tangga di depan pintu. Dan satu lonceng di atas pintu. Aku membunyikannya.
Sedetik kemudian, Seungjae sudah ada di hadapanku.
“Jong-chan titip ini…” aku menyerahkan mantelnya, tadi aku disuruh Nyonya Kwon buat ngegantiin kamu di siding pelelangan bank itu, aku nggak ngerti masalahnya apa. Aku nggak bias paham apa yang sudah kamu putuskan di siding sebelumnya. Berantakan banget. Aku juga gak bias konsen soalnya Jong-Chan selalu nanyain aku tentang kita..”
“Iya, tentang kita. Aku cerita ke dia. Bodoh ya? Aku bilang, kita putus, dia lalu Tanya, putus kenapa, tapi aku nggak jawab. Terus Tanya lagi, siapa yang putusin, terus aku bilang, aku sih.. saking gugupnya aku juga tadi jatuh dari tangga, kakiku sakit rasanya, terus aku bikin pak Daniel Cho tumbang juga, alhasil kopi panasnya tumpah di bahuku. Panas, rasanya mau melepuh..”
“Terus sekarang gimana?”
“Aku nggak papa sih, Sekarang udah mendingan. Aku juga tadi nabrak Nyonya Kwon sampai dia meringis. Tapi kayanya bukan l;uka berat, dikompres juga baik baik aja, pakai air es. Terus pas aku ke kantor pengadilan, aku menabrak mobil box. Padahal itu mobil mahal. Akhirnya aku jalan ke kantor pengadilan sambil nahan dingin. Aku nggak bawa mantel…”
“Kenapa nggak bawa mantel?”
“Aku nggak tau, tapi, aku—aku—“
Kalimatku terhenti, capek juga mengoceh. Aku pun mengangkat wajah. Seungjae tak lagi menginterupsi, tak lagi berkata-kata. Ia hanya sepasang mata yang menatap; diam, dalam. Hening. Di detik itu, aku pun tahu, aku telah jatuh…. Bodo amatlah.
“Aku… kangen sama kamu.”
Itu kata kata paling gila. Aku mengangkat wajah. Menunggu. Siap-siap diusir. Menyiapkan kata-kata pembelaan diri….
“Kamu mau masuk dulu?”
Hanya itu yang diucapkan Seungjae. Aku  tercengang. Hendak melepas sepatu, masuk, mengikuti si pemilik kamar, namun seketika itu aku tahu, ada yang lebih penting yang perlu aku lakukan saat ini.
Yaitu, menghambur ke dalam pelukannya. Pelukan Seubgjae berarti bau denomon nya yang seksi.
Aku sungguh merindukannya.
Ketika Seungjae membalas lingkaran lenganku, aku pun tahu, aku memang tak bisa lepas.
Memang disini tempat hatiku.***

The Frog and The Scorpion

on 23.19

It was a fine, cloudy late afternoon on a loose Friday when we last talked.
We sat across each other at this coffee-shop. He was having his lunch, and ordered a couple of apple strudel pancakes for desert. I had a huge cup of a late, it was nice. Changing my mind, I decided to stay a bit longer because I loved to watch the leaves fall outside the window. I had not intend to stay long before, I had not intend to stay at all. He complimented on those pancakes, but told me after that, “Yours are better, though. I really love that lemon sauce.”
And I decided to tell him the tale of the frog and the scorpion.
“Once there was a frog,” I said. “A sweet green tiny little frog, sitting alone, happily, by a pond in the middle of a rainy evening.”
By this point he sipped his coffee, and interrupted from across the table. “Haven’t you told me that?”
He likes interrupting me in the middle of everything.
“Have I?” I said.
And I never complain.
“Well, I remember you talked about the pond.”
“This is a different pond.”
“I thought you loved the other pond….”
“Just listen.”
“… you know, the one with the water lily on it, the other day….”
“J, listen….”
“How is this story relevant to us?”
I still think he finally came quiet not because I told him to, it was more because most of the heads at the coffee-shop turned to us as I whispered that ‘listen’ hard. And he smiled that smile—the quirky, deceitful smile of victory that makes you think he’s got something hidden to hold against you later on—and let me continue.
So I did.
I said, then along came a big red scorpion to this little frog, saying, “Hey, frog, my dear little friend, can you help take me to the other side of the pond?”
Very seldom does somebody approach the frog in such a rainy evening. However, she said, “I could, of course. But I don’t think I will because I know as soon as you’re upon my back you’re just going to sting me and I’m going to drown.”
“Why would I,” said the scorpion. “If you drown, I’ll get drowned too and we’ll both die.”
And so the frog agreed. She let the scorpion climb upon her back and started to swim across the pond. However, just as they almost reached the other side of the pond did the frog feel a sting on her back. She knew it was the scorpion’s, so she started to cry. “Why are you doing this, scorpion? I warned you and you promised me you wouldn’t sting and that’s why I agreed, and now you did, and we’re both going to die.”
Said the scorpion, “What can I say, frog? I can’t help it, it’s my nature.”
That was when they started to drown into the water.
One single leaf fell outside the coffee shop’s window, and he finished his pancakes.
“I still don’t see how it’s relevant,” he said.
I did not want to say much, and he knows I do not talk much most of the times. I turned to look at his face, knowing there was not going to be a lot of chances to look at it anymore from now on.
Not this way, not this close.
Then he shut his eyes and cupped his face with both hands. At a glance I saw that smile disappear, and I heard him.
“Okay. It is. It’s fucking relevant.”
In life, I believe you will come across certain people with whom you will find it hard to be around… without falling for.
This kind of people are rare, but they are easily detectable. They are the ones who, to start with, literally hold the door for you, appreciate your music taste, laugh at your jokes, never complain on what you wear, listen to your weirdest stories. If you get the chance to be with them longer, you will also find them to be the ones who will still love you for being an introvert. They listen to your silence, they never make you talk, they don’t force you to mingle.
In my case, these people are the ones who let me tell the stories of the books that I read…, and he does.
He lets me call him at work on a Monday morning and when I hang up, he’ll simply call back to make sure I get up already. We talk on the phone during lunch, and he will not ask a single question if I come silent. I call him up after my classes once in a while. He’ll say, “What’s up?” and I’ll say, “I don’t know why I’m calling you,” and he’ll laugh and say, “Okay. How is your day?”
He lets me play him some songs on the guitar, he waits for me to finish reading a few parts on the book before we leave anywhere. He holds the doors for me—all the doors to every entrance he could hold in his life. He lets my insecurities show, he says it’s okay.
He loves my pancakes.
It was not long before I found he is one of those rare people.
And it does not take a long time right after that to learn it; these people do not design themselves to be comfortable for you. They don’t need to. They are not the ones who have to make any effort to love. They might never find any difficulties to let all their feelings show, to let you know how much they like to be with you. They do not learn how to have such sweet disposition. They are born that way.
Because there will be one point or another, when you finally have to take the bitter part; they have saved their hearts for another.
And so did I, and that was when I decided to leave.
That was what I told him that Friday at the coffee-shop.
As we left the place, he said in the car, “Why can’t we be friends? Like, best friends. I really like you, M. Your jokes, your cleverness. I found the match to my thoughts in someone now, someone compatible and we seem to complete each other and this very seldom happens to me, so why can’t I keep that person?”
He turned the steering-wheel and the car pulled over by the sidewalk, at a spot where I could find a taxi home. I said, “I want to be in a friendship where none of the two parties is in love with the other and the other party knows it but goes on like not knowing it. You know…, the friendship without a risk I’m going to get hurt while swimming across the pond.”
“You don’t think a boy and a girl can’t have such a friendship? Like Harry and Hermione?” his face suddenly turned bright, a smile rose there. “Look, how about Harry and Hermione? They can. You believe in Harry Potter, right? You believe in Rowling. Don’t you?”
There was a sport hall beside where the car had stopped, and I found it really hard to take my seat-belt off and open the door. The sun was going down by the football yard in front of us. The golden-orange stripes of light blended with the color of the grass, it was beautiful. The smile of hope lingered on his face, as though he knew I would change my mind.
He was beautiful.
But it was getting dark soon, and I knew the traffic was getting worse in a few minutes and that was why I did not ask him to drive me home. I pulled the strap of the seat belt at last, and said to him, “I believe in Rowling. And Rowling said Harry and Hermione should’ve ended up together.”
He let out a sigh. Of regret, or madness… or just somewhere between the two.
“I’m sorry, J.”
“I never have a girl friend. They always leave for the same reason.”
I pushed the car door and took my bag. “You can’t help it, J. You’re too sweet not to fall for—it’s just your nature.”
And because you have already kept one person in a place designed for one person, J. Because you have already had a girlfriend, a word which is written without the space between the ‘girl’ and the ‘friend’.
I did not say that, of course.
As I pushed the door close behind me I knew that I had lost him. That was fine, I was ready for it, as I had noticed from the very start that he belongs to someone else. And I am used to losing people, this was not the first time.
But I could not help wondering how much he had lost.
Why would he want a girl friend with a distant space between the two words when he had already had one which is without. Why would he find someone whose thoughts he thinks are his match. Why would he found someone else compatible.

Street Style 3 : Black Hero

on 23.09

Black and white never fails, especially when wearing all time favorites like my leather Acne jacket which I love wearing with a hoodie underneath in winter, my favorite jeans of which I ordered another exactly the same pair just because I have 40 pairs of jeans but there’s no pair that beats this one..

 Or new favorites, like the all white chucks I’ve had in my mind for quite some time and can’t stop wearing now that I got them, and a cheeky (and accidentally politically relevant) shirt. The shirt that I found after looking around that you should really tell your boyfriend about because they have great brands and selections (or like me, just order there yourself). I could wear this every day.
Oh, and has anyone seen the sun? I kind of miss it.

Leather jacket: Acne Studios (from last year but here’s the new version)
Hoodie: H&M (men’s)
T-shirt: Wood Wood (men’s)
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Trainers: Converse All Star Specialty Hi

Happy Sunday!

Street Style 2 : Speaking of Black Friday....

on 22.56

I've noticed that I have tried many times in the past to incorporate a colorful spin on my style. However, lately I have come to terms with the fact that I will never look or feel comfortable in loud colors and bold prints. Naturally, there will be a few exceptions. But nothing beats wearing black....or the perfect shade of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. How appropriate for Black Friday...
 I'm a minimalist at heart and it's time to stop fighting that. California's laid back vibes have definitely influenced my style. I love mixing minimalism with beachy pieces; it makes me feel like I'm staying true to my roots. But I feel the most comfortable in basics. Moral of the story: The only way I can amp up my basic pieces are with some awesome accessories like this silk neck scarf.
 I have the biggest crush on it and I want to wear it everyday!!!!

Street Style 1 : Love is mean and love hurts

on 22.47

it so super simply OOTD that you can make it for your casual activities.
Took full advantage of the American Apparel black friday sale and got a few leotards and cropped shirts. I’m definitely obsessed and kind of wishing I had bought more… next time!

I styled my striped one-piece with my jeans. This thing is ultimate cozy!perfectly cute and goth!
TUK creepers or so you can change it by black boot from Victoria Secret or maybe Christ Louboutin! a short-black-boots make your foots perfectly cool.
In this look…  stripped tee , old high wasted skinny jeans and black-boots!
nah Girls, too easy for make your style look perfectly, right?